Sobhan at a glance

Sobhan Technologies

  • Influenza vaccine

    Each year, the Influenza vaccine is imported at great expense. After negotiations with Russia, this vaccine technology, despite its complicated production technology, is being transferred to Sobhan under the supervision of European representatives.

  • Meningitis vaccine

    Tetravalent Meningitis vaccine ACWY is now passing the last phases of pilot production at the SOBHAN production site, using premier facilities with QA and QC systems complying to FDA and EMA standards. With the production of this vaccine, SOBHAN will be able to supply the local demand.

  • Pentavalent Vaccine

    Pentavalent vaccine is a combination of Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B and Hib vaccines, which provide immunity towards all of these conditions with one injection. SOBHAN is the pioneer in the local production of this vaccine, with a vision to expand to international markets.